Sexual Health

Sexual Health Treatment

Safe, Effective Treatment

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infections passed on to others through unprotected sexual contact (sex without a condom). Every year, 640,000 cases of STIs are diagnosed in England, including chlamydia, for which 70% of women and 50% of men carrying the infection will not show any symptoms.

Although there are treatments for chlamydia and genital herpes, it is important to always use a condom during sex to prevent STIs and unwanted pregnancies.

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infections passed on to others through unprotected sexual contact (sex without a condom). Every year, 640,000 cases of STIs are diagnosed in England, including chlamydia, for which 70% of women and 50% of men carrying the infection will not show any symptoms.

Although there are treatments for chlamydia and genital herpes, it is important to always use a condom during sex to prevent STIs and unwanted pregnancies.

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STIs versus STDs? How are they treated? And can they be cured? Learn more in our ultimate guide to sexually transmitted infections.